The utilization of wind energy, due to its well-known advantages compared to other renewable
energy sources to the development of wind turbine. In recent decades, technology development
not only improved the quality, reliability, longevity and cost index of the wind turbine but also
made more perceptible increase of higher capacity. Due to high wind potential in Iran, the
development of wind power plants is among the targets of national development plans.
According to the target to develop the know-how of wind turbine design and commercialize it in
the country, Wind Turbines Technology Development Center (WTTDC) was established in 2010
at NRI.
Capabilities and Services
Supporting Technical and engineering design, technology transfer and localization of large
wind turbine and its components.
Design, construction and rendering in small wind turbines on market demand.
Dynamic simulation and load calculation of wind turbines using specialized tools.
Studying existing wind turbine operation, reengineering and improvement solutions.
Selecting the appropriate wind turbine for development wind farm projects.
Designing turbines foundation based on the site condition.
Holding training courses in the field of design and technology of wind turbines.
Feasibility study of wind farm projects.
Modeling and simulation of W.T. components and subsystems.
Designing control systems, supervisory, pitch, yaw and generator torque.
Implementation of condition monitoring systems (CMS).