Saturday 22 February 2025
Wind turbine technology
  • The localization of MW‐class wind turbine equipment including blade, gearbox, generator, …
  • Technical knowledge acquisition of modern and efficient system such as permanent magnet generator, low noise blade.
  • Developing innovative wind turbine designs in order to reduce manufacturing cost and increase efficiency.
  • Localization of small wind turbine comparable with other local product (in terms of technology and price).
  • Study on a different kinds of wind energy conservation systems.
  • Evolution of potential for offshore wind energy development and improvement of wind Atlas of Iran.
  • Economic analysis of construction of wind power plants in Iran and determining the role of each part in electricity price.
  • Development of offshore wind turbine technology.
Development of wind energy standards and laboratory
  • standards of grid connection requirements for wind farms according to national guidelines.
  • Construction of wind turbine test center.
  • Simulations and development of load calculation software and creation of wind turbine Simulator.
Social, cultural and industrial infrastructure
  • Identification of global organization to join.
  • Changing the culture of using wind energy and showing its advantages on environment.
  • Creation of new jobs due to development of wind turbine productions.
  • Wind energy technologies cost analysis and encouraging investment in this section.
Center of WETD of NRI was established on October 2010 based on wind energy technological road map to development technologies in the field of wind energy.
The goals and achievements
  • The development of the wind energy road map of the country.
  • Determination the role and tasks of the NRI as a leader and strategy developer in wind energy industry in Iran.
  • Paving the way for carrying out steps, including useful and practical research projects for the country.